How it works

Its about friendship first followed by trust…

Referrals come from many sources, often through meeting prisoners as they prepare for release, through probation, or following their release on the streets or at homelessness shelters, at the JobCentre, Job Clubs or through other agencies. Sometimes the client will call us direct or a member of their family will seek us out.

We meet each individual at the earliest opportunity, seeking to understand their own particular set of challenges and to offer friendship and hope.

We often see the ‘weight’ lift from the shoulders of the ex-offender as they understand that we are here to help - no strings attached… Well there are ‘strings’ but they look like this:




We befriend and care (for both the ex-offender and their loved ones) and in return we expect that the client will soon learn to respond in similar kindness. We respect our clients and believe in them.  




We give time, without counting it in terms of hours or numbers of meetings, as is common elsewhere. We take the trouble to understand the issues that are preventing the individual from making good decisions and from taking the strides towards resilient living. Having understood their concerns we make a tailor-made plan for them. In return we expect commitment and honesty as they work towards their recovery.




If a guy or girl WANTS his/her future enough, they will ‘fight’ for it and that is the sign to us that they will make it.  We build hope and challenge negativity. We expect our guys and girls to do well, very well, and they don’t often disappoint us.  




If family is supportive, we welcome their input. Sometimes, at the right time, we try to reconnect with family that have lost touch.




Generally speaking ex-offenders, if they are not immediately employed or studying, have lots of time on their hands, which is not always helpful. We therefore expect that they will increasingly engage with regular activities provided by CF. We also offer ongoing opportunities for building positive friendships away from old associates linked to past criminal activity. 




We work in partnership with Keys Community Detox to support individuals who wish to detox from either alcohol or drugs - illicit or prescribed. We also co-lead an addictions Recovery group where we walk together in their journey of recovery.



The Government has identified seven significant elements of the life of the ex-offender that, if not addressed effectively, can lead a person to reoffend. They are known as the Seven Pathways to Reduce Reoffending:

  1. Accommodation & Support

  2. Education, Training & Employment

  3. Health

  4. Drugs & Alcohol

  5. Finance, Benefits and Debt

  6. Children & Families

  7. Thinking & Behaviour

The work of CF focuses on these areas in order to build resilience against further crime and aspiration towards a positive and productive new life.